Corporate Social Responsibility
Some might ask, “What do organizations owe to the communities in which they operate or to the world we live in?” Some would respond, “Nothing.” Others would respond by listing all the philanthropic activities or donations or chamber of commerce meetings attended.
Workforce Systems Design’s consultants and researchers approach Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) from a holistic approach pioneered by Dr Archie Carroll and Dr. Ken Aupperle. There are four dimensions of CSR that describe organizational behaviors and societal needs:
1. Economic behaviors
2. Legal behaviors
3. Ethical behaviors
4. Discretionary (Philanthropic) behaviors.
In order for an organization to be considered responsible, it must be economically viable (make a profit), obey laws (do it legally), stay in line with social and business norms (be ethical), and respond to and engage multiple stakeholders of the business through philanthropy and volunteerism (address the public good). WSD consultants work with leaders to establish and assess socially responsible behaviors for their organizations. They also work with organizations to develop strategic plans and partnerships that help them make the best impact on stockholders, owners, and other stakeholders. These stakeholders might include customers, employees, local schools, and future employees. When an organization and its leaders understand its CSRO - Corporate Social Responsibility Orientation - it can truly be a partner with society.
Practice Area Services
- Social Responsibility Audits and Research
- Executive Coaching for CSR
- Workforce and Leadership CSR Education
- Creating 501,c,3 Organizations for CSR Activity